-The Hindu In the absence of scientific planning and implementation, measures like Jal Shakti Abhiyan may not be successful Following the massive water crisis across India in the summer of 2019, the Central government hurriedly launched the Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA), a time-bound, mission-mode water conservation campaign to be carried out in two phases, across the 255 districts having critical and over-exploited groundwater levels. This campaign, however, was not intended to be...
Onion prices may drop by 50% in the next 2 weeks: Report
-Moneycontrol.com At Lasalgoan market, onions were trading at Rs 41 per kg on December 10 compared with Rs 71 on December 7. Onion prices could drop by 50 percent in the next two weeks due as arrivals from Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka pick up, Business Standard reports. Please click here to read more. ...
More »Climate change behind spike in onion price every alternate year: Study -Nagesh Prabhu
-The Hindu Researchers from Institute for Social and Economic Change say price will stabilise only by March 2020 Bengaluru: The price of onion in the country spikes every two years and this is largely triggered by a series of factors, including drought, late arrival of monsoon, floods, crop failure, and supply disruptions, according to a recent study. The current sharp spike in onion price is expected to continue till at least March...
More »Civil society criticizes the passage of 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill in its current form
-Press release by National Alliance of Peoples' Movements dated 28 November, 2019 In yet another of its egregious legislative misadventures, the BJP Government with support from some other parties, passed the regressive 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill, in the Rajya Sabha yesterday, despite wide-spread opposition by members of the transgender, intersex and gender non-confirming communities, seeking referral of the Bill to a Select Committee. We have all been witness to...
More »India is not REALLY open-defecation free, but again, people may have lied: NSO report
-Financial Express An overwhelming number of Indians have claimed that they don’t have access to toilets, poking holes in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s assertion of India having become open-defecation free under Swachh Bharat. But the NSO, which conducted the survey, also said that the respondents could not be fully trusted, and that they may have lied to underreport the access to toilets. About 30% of rural households lacked access to toilets...
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