-The Indian Express In 2014-15, the government spent Rs 5,721 crore under nine schemes formulated by the Government of India to provide Social security cover to the unorganised workers. Ahmedabad: During the ten-year period between 2001-11 when the number of landless agricultural workers decreased in states like Kerala and Goa, it rose in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. As per the Census 2011, there are about 14.43 crore landless...
Why NREGA is critical in times of drought
-The Financial Express In a drought period, its job-insurance function critical Never perhaps in its decade of existence has the rural employment guarantee programme —MGNREGA—been more relevant than it is now. After two weak monsoons, the critically low water levels in reservoirs have resulted in drought-like conditions in large parts of the country. Critics of the scheme would argue that even in its best days, the programme hasn’t accounted for more than...
More »The forgotten ones: Looking at agricultural labourers -Sukhpal Singh & Shruti Bhogal
-The Tribune While there are have been debates about the plight of farmers, hardly have we ever heard or read anything about the condition of agricultural labourers. They are the victims of economic downturn in the rural sector. THE economy of Punjab today, embroiled in various economic issues, is showing signs of crisis in the agrarian sector. We often hear and read about the woes of the farmers who are committing suicides,...
More »Open letter from NREGA workers put Govt. to shame
It seems that not only civil society activists, but even the poor and marginalized themselves are not happy with the Centre’s social welfare policies. Following the recent protest by 150 eminent persons regarding failure of the NDA Government to take-up urgent measures for employment generation and ensuring food, nutrition & drinking water security in the backdrop of severe drought in roughly 1/3rd of Indian districts (please click here to access),...
More »A drought of action -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu India has a lasting infrastructure of public support that can, in principle, be expanded in drought years to provide relief. But business as usual seems to be the motto Droughts in India used to be times of frantic relief activity. Large-scale public works were organised, often employing more than 1,00,000 workers in a single district. Food distribution was arranged for destitute persons who were unable to work. Arrangements were also...
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