Earlier this week, India's opposition parties came together in a rare show of unity to take to the streets in cities across the country. They protested against the government's recent decision to raise fuel prices after it scrapped its subsidy of petrol prices in an effort to cut the budget deficit. Supporters of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party joined hands with their ideological rivals among the Communists to paralyse normal life in...
Ensuring food security
No one will deny that the least a democratic government can do for its people in a civilised society is to ensure access to food at a reasonable price. Ensuring food security is, therefore, a fundamental responsibility of the state. However, it is not clear if enacting a Food Security Bill is the best way to go about it. India has become a democracy of laws. On paper, every citizen...
More »Govt raises monsoon forecast by Ruchira Singh and Mayank Bhardwaj
India’s annual monsoon rains, key to farm output and economic growth, are expected to be better than previously forecast, raising prospects of good harvests and possibly helping to cool double digit food inflation. The monsoon rains, which deliver 75-90% of the country’s rainfall, were expected at 102% of the long-term average, government officials said on Friday, raising an earlier forecast of 98%. Bountiful rains despite slow progress of the June-September monsoon will...
More »Monsoon rains 11.1 per cent below normal: Sources
India's annual monsoon rains, vital to the trillion-dollar economy's farm output and economic growth, were 11.1 percent below normal for June 1-23, sources at the weather office said on Thursday. "We are still hopeful of an improvement in rainfall by June end," a senior official at the India Meteorological Department, who could not be named as he is not authorised to speak to the media, said. On Wednesday, the Met...
More »Weak monsoon over soybean areas by Ratnajyoti Dutta and Mayank Bhardwaj
Monsoon rains, which have entered the key soybean-growing areas, are likely to be weak in the next three days, weather officials said on Monday. But industry officials said sowing of soybean, the main summer-planted oilseed, would not be hit due to good soil moisture after recent pre-monsoon showers in the region. Weather officials said rains are likely to gather momentum from 25 June. “We expect monsoon flow to strengthen over central India from...
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