Total Matching Records found : 6306

H for Hitler

-The Indian Express Hitler Didi, Zee TV’s new show about a serious-minded young woman, is entirely innocent of world history — but that did not deter the Anti-Defamation League, a US-based organisation that fights anti-Semitism everywhere. “The name Hitler doesn’t belong in a soap opera, and we think the producers of this programme have made a terrible error in judgement that can only be remedied with a title change,” said an...

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WEF: Red Spider, Black Spider Redux by P Sainath

The audience, organisers, and fightersknow that sham wRestling is not to betaken seriously. But the World Economic Forum takes itself seriously. The comforting thing about the sham wRestling ‘championships' on television is that everybody knows they are a farce. Steroid-stuffed Cro-Magnons stomp the living daylights out of painkiller-primed Neanderthals. Good, unclean fun. The results are safely predictable. You should expect the 600-pound gorilla to overwhelm the 900-pound one in a staggering...

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Raise income, lower inequality by Subir Roy

India’s disappointing human development status is well known. It is a virtual tailender among the newly emerging BRICS economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – which are expected to become the engine of global economic growth as the developed countries slow down. What is more serious is India’s status in its region. Not only is it well behind the long-term regional leader in development, Sri Lanka, it...

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Barefoot-An unfinished agenda by Harsh Mander

We have five million children in the labour market, say official figures. Their actual numbers may be four times as many. As a nation, we have failed each one of them…   Millions of our children still labour today, in factories, farms, kilns, mines, homes and city waste dumps, when they should be in school or in a playground. We profoundly fail these children, collectively depriving them of education, play, Rest, healthy...

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‘Disclose confidential financial inspection reports of banks’

-The Deccan Herald   In an attempt to usher transparency regarding functioning of the banking sector, the Central Information Commission on Friday directed the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to reveal the details of Annual Financial Inspection (AFI) reports of banks and also the fines imposed on them based for violating rules. Direction to make public the annual inspection reports of banks was given by Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi while he overruled the...

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