Total Matching Records found : 5617

Anna Hazare and Jan Lokpal Bill may fail by Priyankan Goswami

The idea of the first Jan Lokpal Bill dates back to as early as 1969, yet this democratic bill was always denied by the pseudo democratic government of India for the last 42 years. None of the Lokpal bills introduced again and again in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and 2008 passed the approval nod of our great Indian leaders simply because it threatened the supreme powers...

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Breaching citadels by Harsh Mander

That accountability is vital in a democracy was reinforced at a National Convention of the National Campaign for the People's Right to Information held in Shillong recently… If governments do not investigate corruption, people should have the right and power to do so themselves. When the idea of a people's legal right to information took initial shape in the dusty villages of Rajasthan nearly two decades ago amidst people's struggles for...

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Civil society’s unreal politics

If any citizen or a group of citizens is dissatisfied and wants to change economic, social policies, they are free to contest polls and take charge. To bypass this process is illegitimate if not downright illegal Finally Anna Hazare and his cohort have prevailed over the government. They have managed a position of equals on the committee that will draft the Lokpal Bill. This is not an unprecedented situation. There have...

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Assam rallies in support of Hazare KMSS stages sit-in at Dispur

Veteran social activist Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption, that has spread like wildfire across the country, has found extensive support in Assam. The 72-year-old Gandhian began his fast-unto-death at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on Tuesday, demanding the enactment of Jan Lokpal Bill to tackle corruption. He wants 50 per cent representatives from civil society to be included in the joint committee that will draft the bill. In Guwahati, Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti...

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Ramdev hijacks graft stage for politics

Anna Hazare's anti-corruption agitation dangerously skidded off track on its fourth day when Swami Ramdev politicized the campaign in a speech he delivered at Jantar Mantar where the 72-year old Hazare has located his fast unto death. In an obvious allusion to Sonia Gandhi, Ramdev said those who are born in this land ( India) are rishis and that he doesn't want to talk about those born abroad. He added in...

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