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Government should reward progressing states, not backwardness

-The Economic Times The government, reportedly, is creating a new composite development index to rank states that use new, more comprehensive criteria. Since the 12th Finance Commission recommended special grants for backward regions, in addition to special allocation of Plan funds to so-called Special Category states, there has been some enthusiasm among state leaders for accentuating their respective state's backwardness. Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has invested a lot of political...

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Food security coverage not restricted to Poor only: Government

-PTI NEW DELHI: The food security plan is not restricted to the Poor alone as it will cover 67 per cent of the country's population, Planning Minister Rajeev Shukla said. Explaining the food security coverage, the Minister in a written reply informed Lok Sabha: "The government has decided to cover 67 per cent of the population under Food Security Act. The proposed coverage is not restricted to the Poor only. "As per the...

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Irrational poverty figures -Devinder Sharma

-Deccan Herald My house help asked me the other day: "Sahib ji, TV news tells me those earning more than Rs 1,000 a month are not Poor. How can this be true? Although I am earning Rs 5,000 every month working at your home, I mop up your floor and wash your dishes. If I was rich why should I be doing cleaning job here?" Mohan used to be a helper in...

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Amma canteens and Amartya Sen-Raghuvir Srinivasan

-The Hindu blog The state that pioneered the successful noon-meal scheme may just have cooked up the next big idea. In his latest book, 'An Uncertain Glory - India and its contradictions', economist-philosopher and Nobel laureate Amartya Sen has devoted almost ten pages to sing Tamil Nadu's praise for its efficient delivery of public services. "Tamil Nadu's capacity for innovation and creative thinking in matters of public administration is an important example for...

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Food Security Bill will push India toward malnutrition: Modi

-PTI Ahmedabad: Attacking Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over the proposed Food Security Bill, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today said the bill, in its current form, will push the country toward "malnutrition". In a letter to the Prime Minister written on August 7, Modi claimed that the National Food Security Ordinance (NFSO) promulgated by the Centre, which is likely to be passed in Parliament as the Food Security Bill, has inherent flaws...

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