Playing the Dalit card, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday criticised the Centre, the Congress and civil society for not including any SC member in the Jan Lokpal Bill drafting committee. At a hurriedly convened press conference here, Ms. Mayawati invoked Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar and his contribution to the socio-economic uplift of the downtrodden sections to drive home her point. Even after 63 years of independence, was not a...
Shanti Bhushan won't quit panel: Kejriwal by Gargi Parsai
“No element of truth in the entire malicious campaign” Civil society member on the joint drafting committee on the Lokpal Bill, Arvind Kejriwal, on Thursday ruled out the resignation of co-chairman Shanti Bhushan from the panel in the wake of the Noida farm plot allotment issue. He said they would remain focussed on drafting an effective Lokpal Bill. “There is no element of truth in the entire malicious campaign,” Mr. Kejriwal...
More »Concerted campaign to scuttle Lokpal Bill: Santosh Hegde
In less than a fortnight of its formation, the joint committee for drafting the Lokpal Bill is falling apart. Even as civil society representatives Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan are battling attacks on their integrity, another civil society leading light, Justice N Santosh Hegde, is thinking of quitting the panel. Stung by Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh's references to his ineffectuality in dealing with corruption in Karnataka, Hegde, who is the...
More »Lokpal Bill: Bhushans' resignation ruled out, Hegde has a rethink
Unfazed by controversies surrounding the Bhushans, civil society activists on Thursday rejected demands for their resignation from the joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill but one of its members Justice Santosh Hegde said he is thinking of resigning from it. The demand for the resignation of lawyer Shanti Bhushan and his son Prashant grew on Thursday following a CFSL report that a CD allegedly involving the senior Bhushan was not tampered...
More »‘Monopoly’ upsets Cong by Sanjay K Jha
Many Congress leaders feel that it was improper for Anna Hazare and his group to act as the sole conscience keepers of the civil society. The leaders are wondering if Anna Hazare’s letter to Sonia Gandhi, asking her to rein in Kapil Sibal and Digvijay Singh, was prompted by a perception that the Congress duo were expressing views on subjects the activists had monopolised on. Sibal had apparently said in an informal...
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