-The Times of India The government on Saturday released a list of assets owned by Union ministers. Urban development minister Kamal Nath and his family top the charts with a net worth of over Rs 263 crore. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's holdings are a little over Rs 5 crore. At the bottom of the pile is the low-profile defence minister, A K Antony, who claims he has a paltry Rs 1.8 lakh...
In 8 yrs, Cong income up by seven times by Gopu Mohan
What can power do to a political party’s financial health? Quite a lot, it seems. An RTI query by a Chennai-based activist shows that the income of India’s longest-ruling national party, the Indian National Congress, increased from Rs 69.55 crore in 2002-03 to a whopping Rs 467.57 crore in 2010-11. Documents accessed by activist V Gopalakrishnan show that the jump is even more evident when figures from 2003-04 are compared with...
More »UN agency reports first signs of Antarctic ozone depletion this year
-The United Nations Signs of ozone depletion are again appearing over the Antarctic, the United Nations reported today, adding that prevailing temperatures and polar stratospheric clouds indicate that the degree of ozone loss this year will most likely be about average in comparison to the past decade. However, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) noted that it is still too early to make a definitive statement on the level of depletion of ozone...
More »Science Of The Ages by Namrata Joshi
Garhwali villagers resist new central farming plans, stick by age-old ways attuned to nature Jardhargaon is a sprawling cluster of villages tucked away in the Himalayan folds in Tehri district of Garhwal. A panoramic view of pine- and sal-covered mountains, green and freshly showered, surrounds us, as little streams spout out of boulders at every turn of the winding hill roads and clouds hang like a dark cover overhead. But...
More »Ways Of Owning, Ways Of Belonging by Neha Bhatt
Why we are doing this story * Tribal lands are under pressure across India. In Orissa, they have been holding out against big corporates like Vedanta and Posco. *** From afar, the fumes rising from factory chimneys in Gujarat’s industrial belt make them seem like skyscrapers on fire. It’s a grey rust-and-Chemicals stretch that they call, without irony, the Golden Corridor. It extends all the way from the north of Ahmedabad, through...
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