-The Indian Express Aadhaar card privacy issue: The bench comprising of Chief Justice of India JS Khehar, and Justices DY Chandrachud, J Chelameswar, SA Bobde and Abdul Nazeer, passed the order on Tuesday. New Delhi: A five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court on Monday referred the Aadhaar matter to a larger bench to decide whether linking of the pan card with the 12-digit biometric identification number would breach privacy. The bench comprising...
Challenge to Aadhaar act: Is privacy basic right? 9-judge Bench to decide -Ananthakrishnan G
-The Indian Express A five-judge Constitution Bench, which met to examine if the Aadhaar Act violates a person’s right to privacy, realised that the court will have to first answer if right to privacy constitutes a fundamental right under the Constitution before it takes up the main question. New Delhi: The Supreme Court decided Tuesday to set up a nine-judge bench to decide whether right to privacy can be declared a fundamental...
More »Lawyers' Body Formed to Protect Rights of Religious Minorities, Dalits and Tribals -Ghazanfar Abbas
-IndiaTomorrow.net As a first step, SAMLA would run a nationwide movement with name of "Dalit, Minority, Tribal Lives Matter" New Delhi: In the wake of the growing culture of mob lynching and atrocities against religious minorities, Dalits and Tribals in the country, a group of lawyers on Tuesday launched a body to provide these communities with legal aid in order to get speedy justice. The body named as "South Asian Minorities Lawyers' Association"...
More »Battle over cattle -Himanshu Upadhyaya
-GovernanceNow.com Banning cattle slaughter, like demonetisation, may deliver political gains but will hit the rural economy hard More than a century ago, a team of officials from Brazil toured some villages of Kheda district, in central Gujarat. They had come to procure breeding bulls of the famous Kankreji breed, notes Bhailal Patel, a charismatic institution-builder who was also the first leader of opposition in Gujarat assembly, in his memoirs. It was of...
More »SC asks Centre to come up with law for appointment of Election Commission members -Bhadra Sinha
-Hindustan Times The court was hearing a public interest litigation by one Anoop Paranwal through lawyer Prashant Bhushan asking for a fair and transparent procedure for EC appointments. The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre to come up with a law or a procedure for the appointment of members of the poll panel or it would be forced to step in, setting up another possible showdown with the government. The Centre opposed...
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