-The Hindu India has the highest number of students in colleges after the U.S., says Kapil Sibal The percentage of students from the Other Backward Communities who have enrolled in higher education has gone past 27 per cent, but the number of students from the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes continues to be unacceptably low, an official survey has revealed. Indicating an impressive increase in the Gross Enrolment Ratio from 15 per...
India Coaxes Tribal Girls Into Schools -Manipadma Jena
-IPS News RAYAGADA- The deafening din of the lunch gong is sweet music to the 200-odd tribal girls rushing down the stairway, clutching stainless steel plates and tumblers. Sikhsya Niketan (House of Education) in Chattikona administrative block of Rayagada district is a residential school meant exclusively for girls of the Dongria Kondh tribe in eastern Odisha state. The school is part of the federal government’s intensified efforts to take universal education to...
More »Prepare Policy to Curb Sex Ratio:NAC to WCD Ministry
-Outlook National Advisory Council has asked the Women and Child Development Ministry to prepare a national policy aimed at curbing the sharp decline in the child sex ratio. Speaking to reporters here, Secretary WCD Prem Narain said the NAC has made several recommendations including the formulation of a 'national policy' on the child sex ratio. He said these recommendations will be deliberated upon in an Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee meeting on September 25. "The NAC...
More »Prof. Farzana Afridi, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi interviewed by Faisal Kidwai
Direct cash transfers or food coupons should be used by the government to provide services to the poor, says Farzana Afridi, Assistant Professor, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. Afridi, who obtained her PhD in economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and an MA in economics from the Delhi School of Economics, says that although the Mid Day Meal Programme is having a substantial effect, the...
More »Women and Girls at Heart of the Blue Revolution-Lakshmi Puri
-IPS News World Water Week recently concluded in Stockholm with a special emphasis on the linkages between water and food security. From the worst drought in 56 years in the United States Midwest, to the Karnataka’s drought in India, to the protracted drought in the Sahel region of West Africa, we have also seen how in our globalised world the nexus between lack of water and food security in one corner of...
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