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Read the distress signals -Ajit Ranade

-The Hindu Farming must be treated as a market-based enterPRIse and made viable on its own terms The week-long farmers’ march which reached Mumbai earlier this month, on the anniversary of Gandhi’s Dandi March of 1930, was unprecedented in many ways. It was mostly silent and disciplined, mostly leaderless, non-disruptive and non-violent, and well organised. It received the sympathy of middle class city dwellers, food and water from bystanders, free medical services...

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Gujarat Lags Behind In Health, Education: Niti Aayog Vice Chairman

-PTI "Gujarat's achievements in education and health are not like those in other areas like industrialisation, infrastructure and lags behind in these two (health and education). I talked about this with the state government," Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar said. Gandhinagar: Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar on Sunday said that while Gujarat has done very well in industrialisation, it will need to do some catching-up in the health...

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SC/ST Act being used for blackmail, says Supreme Court -Krishnadas Rajagopal

-The Hindu The Supreme Court directs that public servants can only be arrested with the written permission of their appointing authority. The anti-atrocities law, which protects Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes from casteist slurs and discrimination, has become an instrument to “blackmail” innocent citizens and public servants, the Supreme Court observed in a judgment on Tuesday. Issuing a slew of guidelines to protect public servants and PRIvate employees from arbitrary arrests under the...

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India needs to trust its farmers and set them free -Shruti Rajagopalan The only way to solve the farmers’ problem is to make entry to other sectors attractive by creating employment opportunities, and to make it easy to exit farming Farmers have a bad romance with the Indian polity. On the one hand, India loves, even worships, these farmers. On the other, Indian policymakers create the most impossible regulatory environment for the agricultural sector, trapping farmers in a low-income, low-productivity occupation. The latest...

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Odisha to spend Rs 100 crore for expansion of millets mission

-PTI Under the mission, millet cultivation took place around 7,444 acres of land across seven district during kharif 2017-18 and now the state government seeks to take this programme to another 55 blocks in four new districts, he said. Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today said that Rs 100 crore will be spent next year to expand the state’s millets mission for the benefit of around five lakh small and...

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