-The Hindu The pandemic also has its hidden victims — over 500 million Children forced out of school globally and India accounted for more than half of them. The country is all set to usher in a ‘pandemic generation’, with 375 million Children (from newborns to 14-year-olds) likely to suffer long-lasting impacts, ranging from being underweight, stunting and increased child mortality, to losses in education and work productivity, according to the State...
A peek into Jharkhand’s mica mines where child labour & illegal mining are no secret -Praveen Jain and Simrin Sirur
-ThePrint.in The mica mining industry today operates via unlicensed middle men and labourers who scavenge for mica in large abandoned mines, or dig holes into the earth for scraps. Giridih, Jhumri Telaiya: For generations, families living in the Koderma and Giridih districts of Jharkhand have survived on the collection and trade of mica — a shimmery, translucent mineral used in cosmetics and automobiles. The mining of mica was once a legal, thriving business...
More »Muslim Children face systematic exclusion at a pre-primary level in Delhi’s private schools, reveals new study -Shalini S
-TwoCircles.net The research highlights how the educational marginalization of Muslims in India starts at an early age itself and reveals that growth in literacy rates among Muslims is much less than among SCs/STs. Muslim Children face systematic exclusion at the pre-primary level at private schools in New Delhi, the national capital of India, a new research has pointed out. The research article titled “Early Educational Marginalization for Muslim Children in India: An Analysis...
More »Women farmers are at Delhi borders as equal stakeholders, demanding a voice -Meenakshi Gopinath
-The Indian Express The “feminisation of agriculture” in the face of the agrarian crisis has, paradoxically, left women doubly even triply disadvantaged. Yet their concerns still remain largely unaddressed in policy. The large presence of women farmers at protests at Singhu, Tikri, and, lately, the Ghazipur borders of Delhi against the three new agriculture laws, marks a significant moment in the continuum of women’s political mobilisation in the country. Coming against the backdrop...
More »Mid-Day Meals play a crucial role in guaranteeing child nutrition in the post-pandemic world
School meals ensure nutrition for millions of vulnerable Children across the world. Almost 370 million Children worldwide are covered by school feeding programmes. While 100 million school Children benefitted from the noon meal scheme in India prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries like Brazil (48 million), China (44 million), South Africa (9 million) and Nigeria (9 million) too run similar programmes for school Children. However, an estimated 39 billion in-school...
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