With Rs 308 crore, industrialist Rahul Bajaj is the richest Rajya Sabha MP and CPI secretary D. Raja is the poorest Upper House member with zero assets. Unlike the Lok Sabha, the Election Commission does not declare information about Upper House members. The information is maintained by state assemblies. The NGO Association for Democratic Reforms got the information though the Right to Information for the first time. The data shows that Rajya...
Centre to appoint Lok Karmis under MGREGA by K Balchand
To assist the poor in entitlements under Act Lok Karmi should not have affiliation with political bodies 12th Standard pass will be preferable The Centre has set in motion the process to appoint Lok Karmis and Lok Sevaks for the proper implementation of Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment guarantee Act (MGREGA). In view of disparities in rural social structures and inequalities in functional capabilities of the poor and marginalised sections lacking literacy skill...
More »Green Hunt: the anatomy of an operation by Aman Sethi
Away from the gaze of the media and the judiciary, the adivasis of Bastar are paying a heavy price … for just being there. An operation is underway in Central India, but no one really knows what it is. Variously described as a media myth, a comprehensive hearts and minds strategy, and an all-out offensive by paramilitary forces and the state forces along the borders of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh...
More »Has India's poorest state turned the corner? by Amarnath Tewary
Has India's poorest and most lawless state turned the corner? If you believe the government of the northern state of Bihar, the answer appears to be in the affirmative. According to it, Bihar clocked up a giddy growth rate of 11.03% in 2008-2009. This would make it India's second fastest growing state economy, just behind the industrially-developed western state of Gujarat. Not so long ago, Bihar was written off as a...
More »The politics of identity by Ruchi Gupta
In February 2011, India will become the first country in the world to issue its residents biometric-based numbers (UID) to establish identity. For this purpose, the Central government has constituted the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) under the Planning Commission. The UID number is marketed as a fundamental enabler for efficient delivery of government services and inclusive development. As per the Authority, benefits of the UID number include elimination...
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