-IndiaToday.in NCRB data show fake notes of Rs 2,000 entered the market days after PM Narendra Modi's demonetisation announcement. Today they are the biggest contributors to the value of seized counterfeit currency in India. "In a country's history, there come moments when every person feels he too should be part of that moment, that he too should make his contribution to the country's progress. Such moments come but rarely," said Prime Minister...
Govt has Money for statues, not public health: Bombay HC on aid to Wadia Maternity Hospital
-PTI A division bench of Justices SC Dharmadhikari and RI Chagla was hearing a public interest litigation seeking release of grants to Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children and Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity. MUMBAI: The Bombay High Court on Thursday came down heavily on the Maharashtra government for dragging its feet over financial aid to Wadia Hospitals for women and children, and said the government has Money for statues but not for public...
More »Explained: A new controversy on India's fiscal deficit -Udit Misra
-The Indian Express In his blog, S C Garg, former Economic Affairs secretary, has claimed that the actual fiscal deficit for the last financial year and the current one is more than a full percentage point higher than the official data. On the face of it, India’s fiscal deficit, which essentially maps how much Money the Indian government has to borrow to make up the gap between its expenditure and its revenues,...
More »Infant deaths in Kota were not sudden. JK Lon Hospital has always been understaffed and ill-equipped
-Scroll.in The average occupancy of the hospital is 220%, meaning that at least two patients share each bed. Rukhsaar Bano, 22, gave birth to her first child on December 16, 2019. Beauty, born a healthy 2.7 kg, spiked a fever on December 29, and the new mother took her to JK Lon hospital in Kota, 240 km south of state capital Jaipur. Beauty was two weeks old when she died a few...
More »How opaque electoral bonds edge out transparent funding routes for 7 political parties
-Moneylife.in More and more big donors of political parties, including corporates, are using the electoral bond (EB) route for making large-sized donations due to the anonymity that provides to the donors. In fact, the annual audit reports for 2018-19 of seven political parties as published by the Election Commission of India (ECI) shows that they have received more than 50% of their donations through electoral bonds, reveals an analysis by Ventakesh...
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