-Newsclick.in According to union leaders, due to the panchayat polls from April to May in Uttar Pradesh, there was a halt in MGNREGS work, and the demand for labourers further slumped due to the complete lockdown that followed soon after. Lucknow: BriNDAban Banjara (40), a security in-charge at Paragon footwear in Nangloi area of Delhi used to earn Rs 22,000 per month before the pandemic hit. But, within a span of three...
The Myth Of ‘Ethical’ Fashion: How a Multinational Clothing Brand Neglected its Women Workers -Swathi Shivanand
-TheWire.in The COVID-19 pandemic has been used as an excuse to hide anti-worker actions by apparel brands and their supplier factories. “Where are you hiding, H&M?… If you don’t come out and stand with us now, it means you are complicit in union busting and closure of the company. Your profits are made on the sweat of our labour…Please ask Gokaldas to reopen the factory.“ On 7, July 2020 Shobha, a laid-off worker...
More »Jobs Carnage – 2.5 crore Jobs Lost Since January - Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Construction, manufacturing, hospitality sectors most affected. Over 1.7 crore daily wage workers lose jobs. Over 2.5 crore existing jobs have been lost between January and May 2021. The bulk of these losses &NDAsh; about 2.2 crore &NDAsh; have occurred in April and May, the period in which India was engulfed in a brutal second wave of COVID-19, leading to state-level lockdowns of varying degrees. These chilling figures emerge from the latest...
More »Meet Aman Wadud, a human rights lawyer assisting people to fight citizenship battle in Assam -Mahibul Hoque
-TwoCircles.net While the Constitution of India ensures the fuNDAmental rights and dignity of every individual, in Assam thousands of people are fighting the legal battle for citizenship. To fight these legal cases and to communicate the Constitutional rights, Guwahati based human rights lawyer Aman Wadud has been leading the initiative called Samvidhan Kendra or Constitution Centres in various parts of Assam. A TCN Ground Report features the lawyer and his work. GUWAHATI...
More »Eminent individuals oppose the appointment of Justice Arun Mishra as Chairperson of NHRC
-Press release by People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) dated 2nd June, 2021 We, the members of various Human Rights Organisations and Concerned individuals, condemn the appointment of former SC Judge, Shri Arun Kumar Mishra, as the next Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India by the selection Committee headed by the Prime Minister. What is troubling is that the decision to appoint Justice Arun Kumar Mishra as NHRC...
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