Days after the death of 40-year-old Moreshwar Sathe in police firing during an agitation in Maval in Pune district against a pipeline project, two conflicting versions have emerged on not just how he was killed but also the number of bullets that had hit him. When The Indian Express visited Sathe’s village Shivane in Maval on Friday, eyewitnesses said he was shot at with a revolver by a police inspector after...
UN urges greater appreciation of indigenous culture and creativity
-The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged the world to recognize the right of indigenous peoples to control their intellectual property, saying they needed help to protect, develop and receive fair compensation for their cultural heritage and traditional knowledge. “Indigenous peoples face many challenges in maintaining their identity, traditions and customs, and their cultural contributions are at times exploited and commercialized, with little or no recognition,” Mr. Ban said in a...
More »Money doesn’t make the landowner fonder by EAS Sarma
The country’s first legislation on land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement is out as a first draft. Here is a sharp critique of the bill THE GOVERNMENT has made public the new Draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011, which FW has run in these columns over three days. This is what I think of it. In terms of the definition of public purpose, the Bill is more colonial...
More »Talking To Maoists by Nirmalangshu Mukherji
After the brutal murder of Azad, is there any hope for well-meaning routine calls for “dialogue” and “peace talks”? What can the "civil society" do as a serious, real intervention? It is reported that the decades-old talks with Naga insurgent groups has made some progress recently (See “Differences ‘narrowed’,” Times of India, July 19, 2011). One reason why talks have a chance in these cases is that separatism comes in...
More »‘How do you define environmental rights?’ by SH Kapadia
Environmental protection within particular societies involves a complex balancing process and ordering of socio-economic priorities. In relation to other rights, where does an environmental right fit into a hierarchy of human rights and how should the conflicts with other human rights, such as right to property/ livelihood, be resolved? How to balance environmental protection with a general or collective right to economic development? Indian courts have proceeded by balancing interests and...
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