-The Hindu Bench orders Rs. 10 lakh each for two girls, who were gang-raped in February last at Betma in Indore The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Madhya Pradesh government to pay as compensation Rs.10 lakh each to two girls, who were gang-raped in February last year at Betma in Indore district. A Bench of Justices R.M. Lodha and Madan B. Lokur passed the order on an appeal filed by the 84-year-old...
Let’s talk about the growth strategy, stupid -Jayati Ghosh
-Tehelka.com The Sen-Bhagwati ‘debate' on economic policy is focussing on the wrong issues Several things are quite remarkable about the recent debate between Professor Amartya Sen and Professor Jagdish Bhagwati. The first surprise is that such a debate could become a major news item at all, making headlines and filling screen time on news channels, when it is about economic strategies that are normally discussed only in relatively small academic and policy...
More »SC dept. asks to return tribal land acquired for mining
-The Hindu Palakkad (Kerala): The Scheduled Caste Development Department has recommended the Government to cancel the acquisition of 3.5795 hectares of land of nine tribal families for a private company for granite mining at Dhanyam tribal hamlet in Padavayal village of Attappady. Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP) officer of Attappady P.V. Radhakrishnan, on the complaint of usurping tribal land, on Friday said that the acquisition of all their land including houses made...
More »No exits from these tunnels of death-Agrima Bhasin
-The Hindu Deep-rooted caste biases and the brazen disregard by civic authorities of court judgments are the main reason for the frequent deaths of sewerage workers across the country Earlier this month, a group of men set forth to unblock a drain sewer in the basement of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in Delhi. Two of the men, Ashok and Chhotu, entered the sewer but did not return....
More »Manual scavenge ban on track
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has got a reluctant railways on board for its ambitious bill seeking a blanket ban on manual scavenging. The Prohibition of Empowerment as Manual Scavengers and their rehabilitation Bill, 2012, which was cleared last week by the cabinet, had been pending for over a year because the railways did not want to be part of it. The largest public carrier had...
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