Total Matching Records found : 5276

Rural non-agro economy growing faster than urban: Assocham

The rural non-farming sector has been growing faster than that of the urban since early 1970s, says a report. The report on "Comparative growth between non-farming economy of rural and urban area" by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) said the share of rural non-farming economy in rural gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from 28 percent in 1970-71 to 46 percent in 1999-2000. It said...

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How Tamil Nadu has made an incremental difference by Divya Gupta

A combination of factors led by state policy has enabled the southern State to become a notable achiever with respect to some key indicators of development. In 2001, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen recorded an eyebrow-raising fact in his book, “Development as Freedom”, that Tamil Nadu and Kerala had both achieved much faster rates of decline in fertility than China had achieved since it introduced its one-child policy. That same year, the international...

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Number of hungry people in the world drops for the first time in 15 years: FAO by Amulya Nagaraj

The number of hungry people in the world dropped about 10 percent for the first time in 15 years to below 1 billion but the figure is still "unacceptable," the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in a report. According to a report titled "The State of Food Insecurity in the World," which will be jointly published by FAO and World Food Program (WFP) in October, about 925 million people...

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Govt likely to miss target of 250,000 rural kiosks by ’12 by Surabhi Agarwal

An initiative to set up information technology (IT) kiosks to offer government services in rural India is likely to miss its expanded target of establishing 250,000 centres because of delays in releasing funds. The scheme to set up 100,000 common service centres (CSCs), through which villagers would be able to access a host of services, was launched in 2006. In June 2009, President Pratibha Patil said in her inaugural address to the...

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India's progress on Millennium Development Goals found tardy

Despite some movement in primary education, assured rural employment and access to potable water, India continues to lag behind in realising the Millennium Development Goals set for 2015 by the United Nations, says a new report. Persistent inequalities, ineffective delivery of public services, weak accountability systems and gaps in implementing pro-poor policies are major bottlenecks to progress, said the country report on India pertaining to the Millennium Development Goals. It...

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