-Tehelka Prime Minister announced increase in quantum of compensation for crop damage to affected farmers by 50 per cent. Showering a bright hope to small entrepreneur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) bank under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana which will provide credit up to 10 lakh to small entrepreneur and act as a regulator for ‘Micro-Finance Institutions' (MFIs). The prime minister also announced increase in...
Protecting the small farmer -Ananth Gudipati
-The Hindu Reviving the Farm Income Insurance Scheme could be the best tool for small and marginal farmers to fight falling prices in an increasingly globalised marketplace. Data from the recently held National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) survey show that close to 60 per cent of rural households are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. More than half of them are at risk of defaulting on their debts with either banks or...
More »Rain-hit areas to get NREGS boost -Puja Mehra
-The Hindu NITI Aayog vice-chairman Arvind Panagariya says farmers can't be fully compensated for crop damage. The Union government will increase the number of work days under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme from 100 to 150 in places where the recent unseasonal rain and hailstorms have affected crops. The relief package will include cash compensation. In addition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought recommendations from NITI Aayog on how insurance...
More »Land Acquisition Bill: Missing the big, bleak picture -Sanjay Kumar & Pranav Gupta
-The Hindu With the Land Acquisition Bill in the limelight, nobody is talking about the real reforms that farmers need. A major survey finds that almost half the respondents don't want to continue with agriculture. The unseasonal rains over the last few weeks have resulted in enormous loss of crop output across many States of North India. This has shifted attention from the issue of land acquisition to other important problems faced...
More »New Crop Income Insurance Scheme – a cure worse than the disease -Dr. Devinder Sharma
-ABPLive.in In the midst of the widespread damage to standing crops from unseasonal rains, a National Crop Income Insurance Scheme has been introduced on a pilot basis. What is being perceived as a long-term solution to the prevailing agrarian crisis, and is being pushed as an insurance against weather-related disasters as well as provide an assurance against any income shocks will only end up acerbating the crisis. The cure being suggested is...
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