—PTI The Bombay High Court on Monday allowed the Times Now news channel to furnish a corporate guarantee instead of a bank guarantee of Rs. 80 crore in connection with the defamation case filed by former Supreme Court judge P.B. Sawant. Times Global Broadcasting Company (TGBC), which runs Times Now, had sought modification of the High Court's September order, wherein it was asked to deposit Rs. 20 crore with the Court, and...
Lady Tarzan cuts timber mafia to size by B Vijay Murty
Eleven years ago, Muturkham forests, lying southeast of capital Ranchi, used to be the timber mafia’s busy workplace. No different from the rest of the state, which has lost 50% of forest cover to illegal logging in the last 10 years. Until 1999, when Muturkham’s jungle mafia met ‘Lady Tarzan’. Jamuna Tuddu, 32, a short and stout woman belonging to the Santahl tribe who had studied till Class X, led a...
More »Rs 75000 for MGNREGA worker's widow
-The Times of India Deputy commissioner Pooja Singhal on Friday handed over a cheque for Rs 25,000 to Kabutri Kuarn, the widow of anMGNREGA job card holder from Hotai village under Panki block, Jaggu Bhuiyan (45), who was found hanging from a tree on January 7 in the village. Singhal also made a fixed deposit of Rs 50,000 in her and her sons' names for a period of three years in a...
More »Cash seized from ATM vans in UP by Pradeep Thakur
The Election Commission's crackdown on candidates using black money in electioneering has forced politicians to come up with innovative methods. Two ATM vans, belonging to two private banks, were seized with nearly Rs 13 crore cash in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh last week by Income Tax's flying squad, a part of which has remained unclaimed for the last four days. The EC has written to RBI to instruct the two large private...
More »Adivasi Predicament in Chhattisgarh by Supriya Sharma
Not only are the Forest Rights Act and the Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas Act routinely violated in Chhattisgarh, the adivasis are also short-changed on legislative representation and reservations in government jobs. As the state cedes land to capital while reducing the adivasis to an ornamental presence, there is increasing assertion of adivasi identity, born out of class predicaments and experiences of displacement as much as notions of indigeneity. Supriya Sharma...
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