Total Matching Records found : 5276

Insurance cover extended for workers under NREGS

The officials of the labour department decided to extend accidental insurance cover to 12,000 workers who worked 100 days in the National Rural employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) works. These workers will get accidental insurance cover up to Rs 2 lakh. They are eligible for pension scheme also implemented by the labour department. The women workers are entitled for maternity benefit. If they contribute to the pension fund, they will get pension....

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Job scheme boosts rural household income 74% by Sandip Das

The employment guarantee scheme has resulted in a big spurt in not only wages but also household income in the rural areas, an analysis of the data since the beginning of the programme in 2006-07 show. While rural wages have risen 38% since 2006-07, household income saw a 74% increase in the four years up to 2009-10. This is despite the fact that just 13% of the 5 crore beneficiary families...

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NREGA workers in Jharkhand compensated for delayed wages by Jean Dreze

Rs. 3,000 each awarded to 78 persons who had worked at three sites After a long struggle, 78 persons who had worked at three sites in Jharkhand under the National Rural employment Guarantee Scheme, but had not been paid, have secured compensation for their ordeal. Deputy Labour Commissioner Mahendra Murmu awarded Rs. 3,000 per worker at a Labour Court here on Monday. This is seen as a breakthrough for the aggrieved workers,...

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Fruits of reform have failed to reach the poor by Vinay Pandey

The top 20% of India’s population has a more than 50% share of the national income in 2009-10, up from 36.7% in 1993-94, says a study by the National Council for Applied Economic Research, or NCAER. This would seem to confirm the charge that income disparities have increased in the reform years, 1991 onwards, and the rich have got richer as a freer economy has created more opportunities. According to...

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Let them have PDS!

The Supreme Court’s observations on the public distribution system (PDS) which call for exclusion of people living above poverty line (APL); fixing monthly ration on per head rather than per household basis; and using unique identification (UID) cards for targeting PDS supplies have implications that go beyond the PDS. The court has virtually set new parameters even for the proposed food security law since that is also likely to be...

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