-The Asian Age The AG assured the court that the law would be implemented across the country. New Delhi: Even as the Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre, all states and Union Territories to implement provisions of the Food Security Act, attorney general K.K. Venugopal cautioned the court about issuing directions by expanding the scope of the petition relating to drought relief. A bench of Justices Madan B. Lokur and N.V. Ramana...
Govt does not calculate 57 per cent compensation dues to MGNREGA workers: Study
-The Indian Express The study done independently by Rajendran Narayanan of the Azim Premji University said the money the government does not pay rural workers constitutes 57 per cent of the total compensation due to workers. An independent study on 92 lakh MGNREGA transactions across 10 states has found that the central government does not calculate or pay any compensation for a part of the last-mile delay before money reaches bank accounts...
More »At the Heart of Rural Discontent Is the Creeping Crisis in Household Agriculture -Anirudh Krishna
-TheWire.in A substantial decline in the share of agriculture in a farm family’s income and the lack of quality education has eroded hopes of a better future for a majority of India’s farmers. While the government pays lip service to the image of the Indian farmer – picture the stalwart yeoman, “Bharat,” hefting a wooden plough on his shoulder – in fact, the conditions of farm families have been in secular decline...
More »Small Farmers of Latur, of 'Water Train' Infamy, Doubt New Loan-Waiver Scheme Will Help -Nidhi Jamwal
-TheWire.in The Maharashtra government’s Rs 34,000-crore farm loan waiver may not provide much relief to small and marginal farmers in Marathwada, who are caught in the debt trap of private moneylenders. Latur: Venkat Balbim Bhise, a farmer who owns three acres of land in Bisewagholi village, in Maharashtra’s Latur district, is in his early thirties. But anger bordering on fatalism is writ large over his weary face. Venkat owes almost Rs 3.5...
More »Surat Textile Traders on Indefinite Strike Against GST -Damayantee Dhar
-TheWire.in The traders have incurred a loss of over Rs 5000 crore in the last 22 days, while 15 lakh labourers have lost their jobs due to the shutdown. Surat: On July 8, Surat, the economic capital of Gujarat, witnessed an unprecedented protest against the new tax regime, the Goods and Service Tax (GST). Texile traders swarmed a three-km stretch on the Ring Road, which holds city’s main textile market, on a...
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