-The Hindu Government sources told The Hindu that at PDS packaging centres, new unbranded bags were being replaced with used ones. Jute bags meant for packaging of foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) allegedly provided their manufacturers — in league with some officials of procuring State government agencies, quality insurance inspectors and middlemen — an opportunity to siphon off thousands of crores in government revenue. So serious is the scam that the...
Deficit rain to prompt farmer influx into city?
-The Times of India THANE: With little hopes of revival of farmlands in Marathwada region, large-scale migration of farmers from these barren lands to second tier cities like Thane and Navi Mumbai can be expected in future, say experts in the field of migration. Scant showers this monsoon has filled the Marathwada dam up to just about 16%, providing hardly any relief to farmers here. As a result, massive influx of farmers...
More »‘Made in India’ policies like MGNREGA inspire the world: ILO
-The Hindu Business Line Calls for more formalisation of work, greater female participation New Delhi: Creative ‘Made in India’ anti-poverty policies, such as MGNREGA (rural job guarantee scheme) and PMGSY (rural road scheme), that helped stabilise and raise household incomes, continue to inspire the world, said a senior ILO official, adding that economic growth by itself is not enough to tackle growing income inequalities and create quality jobs. “The rising tide (of growth)...
More »Collateral-free loans offer hope to women -Sidhartha K
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Until recently, Rajni, who lives in Tilak Nagar in west Delhi, used to work in a boutique. Now, she has decided to have her own setup, for which she has borrowed Rs 50,000 from Punjab National Bank. "I haven't decided whether I will take up a place or do it from home," she said. In Bawana, on the outskirts of Delhi, Kamla has taken a loan from...
More »Urbanisation in India slow, messy, hidden: World Bank -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India India and her neighbors are going through a tortuous process of urbanization - slow, messy and partly hidden. This is seen in severe problems of livability and congestion, making cities unattractive for rural migrants. As a result, whatever benefits urban agglomerations could have offered in terms of economic advance are getting diluted. This is the dire analysis of a 200-page World Bank report on urbanization in South...
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