-The Times of India Rs 4,439 crore has literally gone down the drain called the Yamuna. Delhi and Uttar Pradesh have told the Supreme Court that they have spent Rs 4,124 crore on making the river's water potable, but the Central Pollution Control Board's latest report shows that Yamuna's water still resembles that of a drain. The New Delhi Municipal Committee and the Municipal Corporation of Delhi have spent an additional Rs...
Fighting for a climate change treaty-Matthew Cimitile
-Al Jazeera Treaty to ban chemicals that harmed the ozone layer came about when there was consensus between science and politics. In 1974, chemists Mario Molina and Frank Sherwood Rowland published a landmark article that demonstrated the ability of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to break down the ozone layer, the atmospheric region that plays a vital role in shielding humans and other life from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It marked the opening salvo of...
More »A state of criminal injustice -Praveen Swami
-The Hindu The conviction rate for every kind of crime is in free fall, engendering a breakdown of law that no republic can survive Even criminals, back in 1953, seemed to be soaking in the warm, hope-filled glow that suffused the newly free India. From a peak of 654,019 in 1949, the number of crimes had declined year-on-year to 601,964. Murderers and dacoits; house-breakers and robbers — all were showing declining enthusiasm...
More »Qualified teachers needed
-The Pioneer A school shapes the future of a child. But according to a latest research, there is a need for 60 lakh qualified teachers in India. Sangeeta Yadav speaks with some experts to bring you a solution to this glaring problem A degree does not qualify someone to become a teacher. A teacher has to be a life long learner, researcher, pedagogy, must understand assessments and must be able to motivate...
More »Mental illness, choice and rights -Harsh Mander
-The Hindu The new Bill should pitch for free care to mental health patients in public hospitals. Persons with mental illness have long been subjected to cruelty, neglect, ridicule and stigma. In the last half-century, medical science has made significant strides in finding some cures and palliatives for afflictions of the mind – of emotion, mood, thinking and behaviour. Parallel to this is the evolution in our ethical frameworks: of human rights,...
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