-The New Indian Express The latest data from the World Bank shows that around 60.3 per cent of India's land area is agricultural. India Brand Equity Foundation, a trust established by the ministry of commerce and industry, confirms this. At 157.35 million hectares, India holds the second largest agricultural land, next only to the US. This should set at rest the fears that have been raised in the aftermath of the...
India has enough land for farming but there are other bigger issues to worry about -Vivek Kaul
-FirstPost.com One of the fears that has been raised in the aftermath of the government promulgating an ordinance to amend the Land Acquisition Act is that land will be taken away for other purposes and given that, the amount of land used for farming will come down dramatically. This is a very specious argument that is being made. Data from World Bank shows that around 60.3 percent of India's land area is...
More »Food prices fall after three months stable, index declines for third successive year –UN
-The United Nations After three months of stability, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization's (FAO) Food Price Index declined in December, meaning the index fell over the course of 2014 for the third consecutive year. The 1.7 per cent fall in December, which comes after the index had appeared to bottom out last month, was credited to continued large supplies and record stocks, combined with a strong US dollar and falling...
More »Farm sector ploughs thru a tumultuous year -Vishwanath Kulkarni
-The Hindu Business Line Bearish price trends in the global market, poor rainfall took toll on farmers in 2014 Farmers in the country were hit by a double whammy in 2014. Even as poor monsoon affected kharif output, lower commodity prices, largely influenced by a bearish trend in the global market, aggravated the agrarian crisis this year. In addition, the uncertainty over the vagaries of nature, largely through frequent unseasonal rains, compounded...
More »Rabi acreage around 5% less than last year as sowing nears end -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Total area might remain 1-1.5 million hectares less than 2013, impacting production and prices As sowing of rabi crops enters its last leg, the overall area covered, as of Friday, was five per cent less than last year at 53.02 million hectares. This means the total this year might be 1-1.5 million hectares less than in 2013. This could have a negative impact on overall gross domestic product growth in...
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