Social activist Anna Hazare has cash assets worth Rs.68,688.36. He owns 0.07 hectares of family land in Ralegan Siddhi which is being used by his family. Two other pieces of land donated to him by the Army and by a villager have been donated by him for village use. This is all that Mr. Hazare, who lives in a temple in Ralegan Siddhi, a model village, owns. Sent to chairman The assets of...
Aruna Roy, others seek sharper scrutiny of Jan Lokpal Bill by Vidya Subrahmaniam
“Lack of accountability a major concern” Speakers dissatisfied with ‘sweeping provisions' At a meeting held on Saturday, civil society voices from across a wide spectrum urged broader and multiple consultations to precede the drafting of the Lokpal legislation, warning that in the absence of a mechanism to hold the institution accountable, it could potentially turn into a “Frankenstein's Monster.” Organised by the National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) and the Nehru...
More »Hazare's Lokpal campaign cost over Rs 50 lakh
Under attack from political parties over funding of Anna Hazare's campaign for the Lokpal Bill, India Against Corruption, the umbrella organisation that steered the crusade, has released details of expenditure and said all civil society members of the joint drafting committee will declare their assets and liabilities on Friday. Two days before the first meeting of the joint drafting committee, India Against Corruption issued a detailed press statement on the expense...
More »Anna Hazare and 4 others on Lokpal panel to declare assets on Friday
Five civil society members of the joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill including Anna Hazare will tomorrow declare their assets and liablities, a day before the panel will sit for the first time. A spokesperson for the civil society said Anna, Shanti Bhushan, Santosh Hegde, Prashant Bhushan and arvind kejriwal will release personal statement of their assets and liabilities tomorrow. "They will be meeting with fellow campaigners to discuss issues pertaining to...
More »BJP weighs Anna effect by Radhika Ramaseshan
The BJP is still sizing up the fallout of Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption activism, undecided whether it would be able to reap political dividends, if any, from the urban, middle-class “upsurge” across the country. The leadership is expected to exchange notes and work out its strategy once the Assembly polls verdict is out. “The outcome will show whether the movement (that came in the midst of the state polls) had an impact...
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