-Firstpost.com In the latest development in the Koili Devi vs Union of India case, the Supreme Court has sought the Centre’s response to the plea that 'three crore ration cards are gone' Santoshi Kumari was an 11-year-old girl from Karimati village of the Jaldega block in Simdega district of Jharkhand. On September 28, 2017, Santoshi fell unconscious. "Bhaat (rice)," she pleaded, recalls her mother. The mother rushed to the nearest Public Distribution...
PM Housing Fund: DHFL Directors Scammed Thousands Of Crores, Says CBI -Arvind Gunasekar
-NDTV The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a central scheme to ensure housing for all and was announced in October 2015 New Delhi: The CBI on Wednesday unearthed a scam linked to the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) and registered a case against Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan, brothers who are promoters of crisis-hit Dewan Housing Finance Limited (DHFL) and are in jail over fraud and money-laundering charges. According to the CBI, Kapil...
More »Over 42,000 posts reserved for SC, ST & OBC vacant in union ministries, govt tells Lok Sabha -Sravasti Dasgupta
-ThePrint.in Minister of State in PMO Jitendra Singh says there were 78,923 vacant posts under reserved categories on 1 January 2020, and 42,066 of them remain unfilled. New Delhi: Over 42,000 posts reserved for the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Castes (OBC) are vacant in various central government ministries, the Narendra Modi government has revealed. In a written reply presented before Lok Sabha, Minister of State (MoS) in...
More »Niti group works on new policy to regulate civil society groups, member says for ‘healthy partnership with govt’ -Karishma Mehrotra
-The Indian Express The working group includes Joint Secretaries of the Financial Action Task Force division of Department of Economic Affairs as well as the Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalisation Division/Combating of Funding of Terrorist Cell in the Ministry of Home Affairs. A NITI Aayog group is working on a national policy to regulate civil society organisations following directions from the Prime Minister’s Office. Constituted in September last year, the Working Group for...
More »Post-lockdown misery of India’s migrant workers -Rajendran Narayanan
-The Indian Express One year since the Covid-19 lockdown was imposed, there’s been little change in the hunger levels and unemployment rate among migrant workers, especially women. Today marks the first anniversary of the day the central government announced an ill-planned national lockdown. India is home to nearly 500 million informal sector workers with practically non-existent social security and the unilateral decision pushed them into perilous circumstances, triggering their great exodus from...
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