Total Matching Records found : 6467

Fat's in the fire as edible oil prices rise 10% by Namrata Singh & Surojit Gupta

Edible oil prices soared almost 10%-Rs 6 to 8 per kg-in the last one month, piling up pressure on the already vulnerable food inflation. Palm oil, which accounts for nearly half of India's refined oil consumption, went up Rs 10 per kg following a sharp rally in international markets. India imported about eight million tonne, or half of its domestic vegetable oil requirement, last year. A weakening rupee has been another...

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Area under cotton in Punjab to drop by 60,000 hectares

-PTI The area under cotton in Punjab is likely to drop by 60,000 hectares this kharif season with farmers likely to switch over to guar crop, a state government official said on Saturday. The area under cotton is expected to be five lakh hectares this year as compared to 5.6 lakh hectares last year as some of the area under cultivation is likely to be used for guar crop, which has...

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Water: the looming problem-Prakash Nelliyat

World Water Day is held annually on March 22 to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate sustainable management of freshwater resources. Each year, the day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater and this year's campaign was on “Water and Food Security.” A large quantity of water, more than most people think, is used for producing the food we eat everyday. Water is a renewable and finite resource...

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Indian crop yields less than global average-Rituraj Tiwari

Though India has registered a record wheat and rice output, yields of major crops are much lower when compared with the production developed countries. According to the latest report of UN's food and agriculture body FAO, India lags behind badly in world average yield of rice, cotton, pulses while in wheat it is close to the global benchmark.  The FAO report relates to authenticated data up to year 2010. India is...

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Message to CM from unploughed fields by Pranesh Sarkar

-The Telegraph   Farmers in Bengal left around 2.8 lakh hectares uncultivated in the just-concluded boro crop season, a silent expression of no-confidence in the state government’s paddy procurement process and a fallout of rising fertiliser prices. The area cultivated in the boro season (January to end-February) can be considered a barometer for man-made farming systems because farmers largely depend on irrigation during this phase. The bigger aman crop (June to August) still...

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