-The Indian Express The CWC has sent a strong note to Water Resources Minister Uma Bharati, complaining against the committee’s recommendations. The employees of the Central Water Commission (CWC) have slammed the Mihir Shah panel, calling its recommendations on water reforms “conceptually flawed”, “anti-development” and something that will result in “disaster of unmatched proportions”. The seven-member expert panel, headed by Mihir Shah, former member of the erstwhile Planning Commission, was appointed by the...
NGO in government's bad books to pilot free school breakfast
-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: A few select government school students in the city will now be served breakfast thanks to Akshya Patra’s efforts. The NGO will provide breakfast at 20 government schools in Hyderabad from September. “We will give idly-sambar, upma-chutney and pongal-chutney for breakfast,” said Kaunteya Dasa of Akshaya Patra. The breakfast initiative is funded by Aurobindo Pharma, a pharmaceutical company as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility...
More »Checking the Pulse of India’s Dal Farmers -Shalini Bhutani
-TheWire.in The question to ask is whether it makes environmental sense or effects social justice to ship our dals from across the seas? Pulses — that group of legume crops which includes chickpeas, cowpeas, moong beans, red kidney beans, urad beans, lentils and diverse grams. No matter what your personal choice of dal is though, India is probably eating many if not most of them. But as the world’s largest consumer of...
More »India ranks 110th on Sustainable Development index
-PTI/ United Nations No country has achieved the SDGs and even top Sweden scores "red" on several goals India has ranked a low 110 out of 149 nations assessed on where they stand with regard to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, according to a new index which is topped by Sweden and shows all countries face major challenges in achieving these ambitious goals. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung...
More »Feeling the pulses pinch -Ramesh Chand & Shambhavi Sharan
-The Hindu As cereal consumption comes down despite higher output, India needs to ramp up production of pulses to meet the nutritional requirements of the population. Since the onset of the Green Revolution in the late 1960s, India has been treading on a path towards self-sufficiency in food. The achievements have remained highly skewed towards wheat and rice on account of technological as well as policy support towards these two crops. With...
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