-News18.com The RBI has been mandated by the government to keep retail inflation at 4 per cent with a margin of 2 per cent on either side India’s retail inflation increased to 6.01 per cent in the month of January, driven by higher consumer goods and telecom prices along with a comparatively low rate a year ago, data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation on Monday indicated. Inflation, as...
‘Suraksha’ plank finds particular resonance in Uttar Pradesh -JP Yadav
-The Telegraph For the better-off upper castes, it has acquired the context of the safety of their sisters and daughters Bareilly, Rampur: Sitting outside a small medicine-cum-stationery shop at Khirka village in Bareilly district, Rakesh Gangwar, Ramdas Kashyap and Puranlal Gangwar unhesitatingly declare their support for the “phool” (lotus). Each lists the reasons almost in the same order, as though they had prepared beforehand for the question. The top reason for all three —...
More »Extrapolated data hints at high Covid-19 death toll in Uttar Pradesh -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph The report by Citizens for Justice and Peace implies that the excess casualties between January 2020 and August 2021 were all caused by the virus A non-government human rights group has estimated that between January 2020 and August 2021, Uttar Pradesh witnessed nearly 1.4 million excess deaths or nearly 60 times the state’s official Covid-19 death toll of 23,382 till Saturday. Excess deaths MEAns deaths over and above the figures expected...
More »Reviving the ‘Kerala Model’ of development -Shashi Tharoor and Vinod Thomas
-The Hindu Its lustre is fading as there are threats from emerging social and environmental risks, but the question is how Kerala has long been recognised to have done many things right. For years the darling of development experts, non-governmental organisations and social activists, the ‘Kerala Model’ seemed to show that impressive levels of human development indicators — in health, education and quality of life, comparable even to some rich countries —...
More »India's Writing With Fire, on the story of Khabar Lahariya, nominated for Oscars
-The NewsMinute.com/ With inputs from PTI Directed by Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh, both debutants, 'Writing With Fire' chronicles the rise of Khabar Lahariya, India's only newspaper run by Dalit women. Indian documentary Writing With Fire has been nominated in the Best Documentary Feature category at the 94th edition of the Academy Awards. The nominations were announced by Tracee Ellis Ross and Leslie Jordan on Tuesday, February 8, via the Twitter page...
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