-IANS It didn't take long for fake notes of 2,000 rupees to start circulating after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetisation in November 2016, with one of its stated aims being to kill counterfeit currency, official data show. According to the National Crime Records Bureau's (NCRB) latest report released on November 30, a total of 2,272 fake notes of Rs 2,000 denomination were seized in 2016. Since the Rs 2,000 note --...
Odisha is steadily turning a dry region! -Sanjeev Kumar Patro
-The Pioneer Is Odisha in the grip of climate change adversity? This looks apparent when for last three consecutive years, i.e., 2015 to 2017, the State keeps recording a condition of excessive to mildly dry even during the monsoon period of June to September. Moreover, the State has recorded wet conditions only during the cyclone or heavy flood years during the period 2009-2017. Sample this: According to the available data with Met...
More »Fish wish for midday meal -Subhashish Mohanty
-The Telegraph Bhubaneswar: The Naveen Patnaik government has plans to spice up the midday meal platter by serving fish that officials say will push up its nutritional quotient. The move, if implemented, will be in accordance with the recommendations of the Odisha State Food Commission that had submitted its report to the government last month. The commission's report had suggested measures required to strengthen the nutritional content of food served at schools and...
More »States violate community forest rights as Centre delays implementation of CAF Act -Ishan Kukreti
-Down to Earth States exploit the delay in the drafting of rules for the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act to assert rights over land claimed by communities under the Forest Rights Act More than a year after Parliament passed the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act 2016 (CAF), the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) is yet to roll out the mandatory rules to implement it. In fact, the ministry in November...
More »Maharashtra most corrupt, Delhi tops in crimes: NCRB -Farhan Shaikh and Pratik Salunke
-Hindustan Times Mumbai was third on the list behind Bangalore, with 39,617 cases, but the number declined as compared to 2015 when 42,940 cases were registered. Maharashtra has earned itself the dubious distinction of being the “most corrupt state” for the third year in a row. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, which was released on Thursday, revealed that there were 1,016 cases of corruption registered in 2016 in the state,...
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