-The Hindu For the first time in five days since the controversy over a class V student of Patha Bhavan in Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, being forced to drink her urine as Punishment for bed wetting erupted, the authorities have expressed their regret over the incident on Thursday. Stating that the university “unequivocally regrets the traumatic experience” of the student “at the hands of the Warden,” a press release issued by the...
Body of proof-Nivedita Menon
-The Indian Express Pinki Pramanik’s ordeal must force us to rethink the notion that gender is rigidly bipolar The story of Pinki Pramanik and her partner can be pieced together like any other story of intimacy gone bad. After all, human beings invariably encounter pain and betrayal in intimate relationships, just as they encounter joy and desire. No relationship is free of power, whether produced by individual personalities or by social structures...
More »The unwanted girl -Anupama Katakam
Census 2011 data bring into the open Maharashtra’s terrible record in sex-selective abortions. In early June, Vijaymala Patekar, a mother of four girls, haemorrhaged to death at a hospital in Parli, Beed district, Maharashtra. She was reportedly in her second trimester of pregnancy. Her family had allegedly forced her to abort the foetus when they learnt it was a girl child. Sudam Munde, the doctor who performed the procedure, fled Parli but...
More »National mindset-Anupama Katakam
Apparently, people across the country, bridging class, caste and income divides, are deliberately ensuring that girls are simply not born. The child sex ratio of 914 girls per 1,000 boys is a tragic situation and a poor reflection on India’s growth and development. This is in spite of laws, schemes, relentless activism and media campaigns spanning three decades in support of the girl child. According to activists and economists, a...
More »Some schools don't spare the cane, RTE ban on corporal Punishment only on paper-Garima Prasher
'No child shall be subjected to physical Punishment and mental harassment', says clause 17, Chapter IV of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act. During a visit last week to a government school in JC Nagar, a group of 20 bare-footed children were seen practising 'attention' and 'stand at ease'. The Kannada medium students were intimidated not so much by the English commands as the trainer brandishing...
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