-TheWire.in It is set law that procedures cannot impact vested substantive rights – and the right to life and correspondingly, food, is the most substantive of all rights. “After a prolonged decline, world hunger appears to be on the rise again”, claims a report titled ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (2017)’ by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. Nowhere is this more true than in...
Who Is Accountable for Starvation Deaths?
-Economic and Political Weekly Denial of social security facilities is to blame in cases of alleged starvation deaths. The distressing news of three young girls dying of starvation in the heart of New Delhi last week raises a number of questions; not only on the failure of the state to protect its citizens from hunger 70 years after independence but also on the development model that India seems to be following. Mansi,...
More »Hollowed out
-The Telegraph Hunger kills. In India, it does so with alarming frequency. Three girls aged eight, four and two died in the national capital last week; the autopsy showed that their stomach and bowels were "absolutely empty". This was in spite of the fact that the oldest girl at least went to school and should have been receiving mid-day meals. The blame, as usual, was at first apportioned to exclusion. The...
More »Blame on apathy for hunger deaths -Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Poor implementation of welfare schemes by the Delhi government allowed for conditions in which three sisters - Mansi, 8, Shikha, 4, and Parul, 2 - died of starvation in the national capital last month, a fact-finding report by a group of six activists has found. The team that included Harsh Mander, a former bureaucrat and special commissioner to the Supreme Court for Right to Food cases, found that...
More »Muzzling information -Anjali Bhardwaj & Amrita Johri
-The Hindu The RTI Act Amendment Bill must be junked The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, has empowered millions of Indians to question governments and hold public functionaries accountable. Of the nearly six million RTI applications filed every year in the country, a large proportion are by the poorest and the most marginalised who seek information about their basic rights and entitlements, like Rations, pensions and health facilities. The use of...
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