Total Matching Records found : 7911

Joblessness among Muslims falls in five years-Somesh Jha

-The Business Standard The rate declines from 2.3% in 2004-05 to 1.9% in 2009-10 among rural Muslims Contrary to popular perception, unemployment among Muslims in both rural and urban areas is falling. According to data released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) on Friday, the rate declined from 2.3 per cent in 2004-05 to 1.9 per cent in 2009-10 among rural Muslims. The unemployment rate among urban Muslims fell from 4.1 per...

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Leech Fields-Minu Ittyipe

-Outlook Social indices topper Kerala just can't stop the baby deaths in its malnutrition-hit tribal Attapady belt Under the thick canopy of a peepal tree, beside the road that winds to Pallur Ooru in Attapady in the Western Ghats, is a small tribal burial ground. There are no tombstones to mark the graves and on closer look one sees tiny mounds where the mud has been disturbed. In a quiet corner,...

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The flip side of agricultural growth in Madhya Pradesh -Sachin Kumar Jain

-Down to Earth Agricultural growth rate figures in the state appear to be unrealistic if one considers farm suicides and increase in number of landless farm labourers I am in a dilemma over the veracity of the data available on the state of agriculture in Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps, the reader could help me in this effort. Chances are he or she could be as befuddled as I am on the matter. In...

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Dal Will Tell You What the Government Cares About-Bhavdeep Kang

-Grist Media The proposed Food Security Bill will likely raise the demand for dal across India. While farmers and consumers are against it, the government keeps favouring the agri-industry and importing more and more cheap versions to offset rising inflation. But why won't India produce its own dal anymore? Nowhere are Canada's agricultural production plans tracked more closely than in India's Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs. As it struggles to meet...

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UP to have 1cr unemployed youth by 2017: National Sample Survey Organisation -Arvind Singh Bisht

-The Times of India LUCKNOW: For the Akhilesh Yadav government, the burgeoning unemployment problem comes as a daunting challenge. The 66th round of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) report puts the projection of unemployed youth in Uttar Pradesh in the age group of 15-35 at whopping 1 crore by the end of the ongoing 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). They will be in addition to the backlog of around 32...

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