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Plates loaded with pesticides: Survey shows fruit, vegetables are high on chemical content -Garima Prasher

-The Times of India BANGALORE: Probably it's time to take a closer look at what's on your platter. Cypermethrin, heptachlor, quinalphos, aldrin, chlorodane, dichlorvas, cypermethrin - these banned pesticides could well be a part of your regular diet. Okras, leafy green cabbages and other vegetables, bananas or oranges and apples that you so relish may be overloaded with some of these harmful pesticides. A study by the Food Safety and Standards Authority...

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Diabetes stalks rural areas too, camp finds

-The Hindu Chennai: Out of 1,550 persons screened for diabetes in a few rural pockets in the city's western suburbs, 78 persons (5 per cent) were detected with diabetes, 191 (12.3 per cent) with high blood pressure and 202 (13 per cent) with high cholesterol levels. Among the 78 diabetics - 36 men and 42 women - eight were aged between 20 and 30. Persons in the age group of 20 to 82...

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Scaling up agroecology: A tool for policy-Shiney Varghese

-Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Blog For those who see agroecological approaches as necessary for achieving the food, Health, and environmental targets of post 2015 agenda, agroecology is not only central to maintaining ecosystem integrity, but also to realizing food sovereignty of those involved in food production and consumption. IATP's new report, Scaling up Agroecology: Toward the Realization of the Right to Food, begins from five principles of agroecology, presents examples...

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The new jungle drums-Keya Acharya

-The Hindu A unique cell phone-based networking system in Chhattisgarh helps Adivasi Gonds share local news and air grievances. Deep in the jungles of Chhattisgarh, a straightforward, earthy man named Naresh Bunkar, field co-ordinator of the Adivasi Santha Manch, picks up his mobile phone and dials +918050068000, a long-distance number in Bangalore. He immediately cuts off and waits. Within seconds, he gets a call from the dialled number, and he hears a...

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AIIMS announces free emergency cardiac surgeries for general patients -Pritha Chatterjee

-The Indian Express All emergency cardiology procedures at AIIMS will now be performed free of cost for patients in general wards. Emergency surgeries such as angioplasty (surgical widening of clogged vessels in the heart using tubes called stents), balloon angioplasty (insertion of a surgical balloon to open obstructed vessels), opening of blocked heart valves and insertion of pacemakers (battery operated devices to improve heart rates) will now all become free, the hospital...

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