Total Matching Records found : 5421

Food Security Bill panel's report to be awaited by Gargi Parsai

Accelerating the process of framing a National Food Security Bill, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday convened a high-level meeting with his senior Cabinet colleagues to discuss aspects of the Bill and the recommendations made by the National Advisory Council (NAC).At the centre of the discussions was a letter written by NAC chairperson Sonia Gandhi to the Prime Minister on merging the Rural Development Ministry's exercise for identification of the...

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The growing jobs challenge

The Labour Bureau recently released its first report on employment in the country. Till now, job estimates have usually been available in the employment-unemployment surveys of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). The most recent of these is the 64th round (2007-08), preliminary results of which were reported in this column on 20 July. The 64th round estimates were disappointing, with annual employment growth during 2004-05 and 2007-08 at 0.8...

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Issues at stake in rural development by U Subrahmanyam

The papers in this volume, as indicated in the preface, are not envisaged to be mere academic exercises; they are intended to provide the basis for informed discussions among key stakeholders and with policymakers involved in the areas related to agriculture, food security and rural development in India. If achieving self-sufficiency in food is the primary goal of agriculture policy, poverty alleviation is the second. As has been pointed out,...

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TN rains claim 30 more lives, toll rises to 181

Heavy rains lashed the southern Tamil Nadu and Chennai claiming 30 more lives in the last three days. The death toll went up to 181 since October. Officials said most of the deaths were caused by wall collapses, floods, lightning and electrocution. Standing crops on more than 58,000 hectares have been spoilt and the damage to buildings, bridges and roads is to the tune of Rs 800 crore. Tamil Nadu...

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Surge in Food Insecurity by J George

Every passing day makes it clear that the proposed food security law may not come by for a while. One report quoting the Planning Commission even suggested that it can be expected only in 2012. This Twelfth Plan (2012-17) launch has support from the concerned dual Ministry of Agriculture as well as Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution. In that eventuality it does mean a surge in food insecurity.A dispassionate...

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