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There is no doubt that Indian higher education requires reforms -Tanuja Kothiyal and Arindam Banerjee

-The Indian Express Legal action against Scihub and Libgen frames problem of control and governance of knowledge in a globalised world. The recent litigations against Scihub and Libgen by Elsevier, Wiley and ACS bring us to a moment of many realisations about control and governance of knowledge in academia. In the latter half of the 20th century, globalisation led to the imperative of applying “global” standards to higher education. As global standards...

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Number Theory: How much does an average Indian earn? -Abhishek Jha

-Hindustan Times The average annual per capita income of households interviewed in the LASI survey conducted in 2017-18 is ₹44,901. This is just about 39% of the per capita income in the same year according to the National Account Statistics India’s per capita annual income in 2019-20 was ₹1,26,968, according to provisional estimates published on January 7. This average, given India’s large income inequality, is not representative of the earnings of average...

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Farmers’ agitation will impact global trade -Devinder Sharma

-The Tribune Instead of leaving the farmers to face the vagaries of markets, which have pushed them globally into a debt trap, the demand for ensuring that no trading takes place below the MSP not only provides farmers with a safety net but it will also gradually become an economic design for the rest of the world to emulate. Across the globe, farmers are suffering the consequences of keeping farm-gate prices...

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UN representative: India doesn’t properly protect human rights defenders -Aranya Shankar

-The Indian Express Mary Lawlor was speaking at an online event marking 100 days of Swamy’s incarceration. United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders Mary Lawlor Friday said India does not “properly protect human rights defenders”. She also said she had written to the Indian government in November, “raising concerns” over Jesuit priest Stan Swamy’s arrest in connection with the Bhima Koregaon case, but had not yet received a...

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68% start-ups, MSMEs didn't benefit from Centre's COVID-19 schemes, claims survey -Joe C Mathew Funding remains major problem for startups and MSMEs, survey reveals; around 28 per cent listed raising funds or loans as top challenges in 2021, while another 25 per cent were worried about finding growth A clutch of MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) and startup schemes of the Centre, which were meant to help them tide over Covid-19 crisis may not have helped, an online poll by community social media platform...

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