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Ill-timed rain damages crops in 1.8cr hectares across 13 states

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Recent rains and hailstorm in different parts of the country had damaged Rabi crops in about 181 lakh hectares of land across 13 states during February 28-March 16 with UP and Rajasthan facing the brunt. The affected cultivable land is huge if one looks at the total cultivable area (600 lakh hectare) in the current Rabi season. The wheat crop faced the maximum damage due to...

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Vasundhara Raje turns to MGNREGA as hailstorms cause devastation of crops across 26 districts -Akshay Deshmane

-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, who had demanded scrapping of the MGNREGA last year, has now turned to the same law for helping her tide over a crisis. With hailstorms causing massive devastation of crops in 26 of the total 33 districts in early March - and Congress president Sonia Gandhi coming down to join protests against the state administration - among the multiple relief packages...

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Targeted lending to Farmers a must -Gopa Kumaran Nair and Nirupam Mehrotra

-The Financial Express In a column in The Financial Express, ("Time to tweak priority-sector lending",, February 6), the author made a case for "tweaking" priority-sector lending (PSL) norms which largely stipulate that the commercial banks direct credit towards certain vulnerable sectors and target population. Specifically, the article argued for revisiting the sectoral targets and cited a reduction in the share of agriculture sector in GDP as a valid reason...

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Cultivating the Farmer -Ravi Shankar

-The New Indian Express For now the storm is over. Untimely monsoons, which create much havoc for Farmers, became a parliamentary allegory with the Congress raining on Modi's parade over the Land Bill. In spite of all the manoeuvring that will follow, clouds threaten to hang low over the next session too. This is indicated in Sonia Gandhi's decision to take to the streets in protest - a leaf taken from...

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Farmers' Rights to Seeds Issues in the Indian Law -Parameswaran Prajeesh

-Economic and Political Weekly While the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001 is a progressive piece of legislation that recognises Farmers' rights to seed, it demands payment of an annual maintenance fee by the Farmers to protect the varieties which they have been cultivating and conserving for years, only because these varieties have been brought under legal protection through national legislation. Parameswaran Prajeesh ( is a researcher with the...

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