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Hunger for power will only 'dam' our rivers: Activists-Rahul Karmakar

For local residents, most Himalayan peaks from Sikkim to Arunachal Pradesh are divine — their might flowing in the form of rivers capable of sustaining life and washing away their ills. One such river is Lohit in Arunachal Pradesh, where Parashuram, an incarnation of Vishnu, was believed to have cleansed himself after beheading his mother. Today, however, the Himalayas seem to be fighting a losing battle against India's hunger for electricity....

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Water: New weapon of mass conflict-Chetan Chauhan

A classified US report listed India’s three major river basins — Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra —among the world top 10 Water conflict zones in ten years from now. The report based on National Intelligence Estimate on Water security said the chances of Water issues causing war in next 10 years were minimal but they could disrupt national and global food market and cause tension between states. “Beyond 2022, use of Water as...

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Judicial Control of Policymaking and Implementation: Interlinking Rivers by Videh Upadhyay

The Supreme Court has handed down an extraordinary decision with some extraordinary arguments directing the central government to execute the “river interlinking project”. How could the Court which says “it can hardly take unto itself tasks of making of a policy decision or planning for the country on the need for acquisition and construction of river linking channels” then go on to actually take the very same policy decision and...

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Increasing land acquisition could create food crisis-Rashme Sehgal

The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) has warned against the increasing leasing and buying of millions of hectares of farmlands in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America for food and fuel production. This land is being leased to private investors and sovereign wealth funds with no explicit legal agreement on how Water will be used on these farmlands. The World Bank has estimated that over 56 million hectares of land in Africa...

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Penance for Ganga-Purnima S Tripathi

An environmental scientist continues his relentless battle to save the Ganga, this time by starting a fast unto death. THE campaign to save the Ganga has cost one life in the hill State of Uttarakhand. The life of another activist now hinges on the government's commitment. In 2011, Swami Nigamananda of Matri Sadan undertook a fast unto death demanding an end to illegal sand mining in the Ganga, at least in Haridwar...

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