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'Monsoon likely to be normal'

-Business Standard Assocham-Skymet report, however, says untimely rain likely to reappear in north India in 5-6 weeks India's southwest monsoon, which accounts for almost 80 per cent of the country's total precipitation, is expected to be normal this year, predicts a joint study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry and private weather forecaster Skymet. However, there would be pockets where the showers are expected to be deficient. These include Himachal Pradesh,...

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Politics over crop loss: Cong accuses Modi of somersault on Farmers’ issues

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A strong political fight has erupted between the government and the opposition parties over providing relief to Farmers suffering crop loss due to unseasonable rains and hailstorm. Hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the opposition of spreading lies on the land acquisition bill, Congress hit back and accused Modi of somersault on Farmers' issue. Ahmed Patel, Political Secretary to Congress President Sonia Gandhi, said Farmers...

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PM to Farmers: Lies being spread on Land Acquisition Bill

-PTI   NEW DELHI: With opposition mounting campaign over Land Acquisition Bill, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday reached out to Farmers, telling them that "lies" are being spread over the measure for "political reasons" to create confusion among the farming community. Speaking on the issue over radio in his monthly 'Mann ki Baat' programme, he insisted there were some "lacunae" in the Land Act of 2013 "as it was enacted in a...

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A renewed cycle of Farmer distress Farm-loan waivers are costly palliatives that cause long-term damage Every decade or so India's Farmers finds themselves in distress. Crop prices plunge, debts mount and if there is real bad luck, the monsoon fails. Soon enough Farmers begin committing suicides and in the din of noise about agrarian distress the government of the day takes some steps. They are no more than palliatives and end up doing more harm than good. Please...

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Scam stains famed Chhattisgarh PDS, systemic loot runs into crores -Parivesh Mishra Raipur: Amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi's aggressive pitch for growth and denouncement of the policy of handouts in the pre-general election campaign last year, Chhattisgarh's model of Public Distribution System (PDS) stood out as a shining and welcome misfit. The BJP showcased Chief Minister Raman Singh model of PDS as its answer to the Congress' Food Security Act. Besides the Gujarat model, this was the only model that found mention...

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