-The Indian Express Why the proposed national minimum wage is the wrong answer to questions of unemployment and poverty The recent national labour conference - a trade union love fest with little real employer participation - demanded a national minimum wage. The trade union demand is a predictable positioning of narrow self-interest as national interest but the government's acceptance of their demand is unfair, delusional and economically stupid. Unfair, because it pampers a...
Vegetable prices rise 50 per cent owing to bad weather -Madhvi Sally
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Vegetable prices have risen up to 50% in Delhi, Mumbai and other parts of the country as farms near the Yamuna river in northern India are flooded, while dry weather in many parts of western India have hit output. The deluge in parts of northern India has also wiped out muskmelon and watermelon apart from hurting the mango crop. Traders said it would take two to four...
More »The Power of Going Local: New FAO Study
Groundwater, which irrigates half of Indian agriculture and provides 85% of rural drinking consumption, is an increasingly scarce resource. There is a growing understanding that it must be approached as a common property resource for collective benefit. It is best understood and managed by those who live near them and use them rather than agencies who visit sporadically - that is the central premise of efforts around participatory groundwater management....
More »Poverty levels decline significantly between 2009-12; less than 25% poor: NSSO Survey -Dilasha Seth
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Poverty level in the country may have declined significantly between 2009-10 and 2011-12, the latest government survey on household consumer expenditure indicates, giving something to the beleaguered UPA government to hard sell ahead of elections next year. Back of the envelope calculations by ET suggest that poverty levels have fallen to less than 25% of population because of a sharp rise in rural incomes and decent performance...
More »NSSO data analysis: high time political parties took the economy toward higher growth-Ashok Dasgupta
-The Hindu Whichever way one looks at the data, there is nothing much to crow about the 68th round of survey Whichever way one looks at the key indicators of employment and unemployment released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) recently, there is nothing much to crow about in inferences that can be drawn from the data collected in the 68th round of survey conducted during the period July 2011 to...
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