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Maharashtra delay in notifying RTE rules by Hemali Chhapia & Mathang Seshagiri

Numberless schools will reopen in various parts of the country in a few days to find change in their midst. Impelled by law, their campuses would probably for the first time open doors to underprivileged children who otherwise would have never got an education. Schools in Maharashtra, however, will not rank among these institutions this year since it is one of those states yet to notify Right to Education (RTE)...

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World Bank dictates India’s food policy by Tarun Nangia

The World Bank and a pliant UPA Government plan to do away with India's public distribution system and shut down four lakh ration shops. The excuse-the Public Distribution System (PDS) spends Rs 45,000 crore every year to supply BPL families wheat, rice, kerosene and sugar of which 60 per cent of grain is looted by the food mafia. The 412page 'World Bank Report: Social Protection for Changing India', released on...

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Cash cure for leaky PDS by Anirban Bhaumik

The Government proposal to make cash transfer in place of food grain to poor families has drawn mixed reactions. Raghuvir Nagar on the western outskirts of Delhi has of late turned into a turf for a war between two schools of thought. The war has not been limited to campaigns and debates and purportedly escalated to the level of allegations, even intimidation, so much so that the Government of the national...

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Gandhism Returns to Fight Corruption by Ranjit Devraj

Almost 65 years after Mahatma Gandhi used "satyagraha" or "truth force" to lead a movement against British rule in India, Gandhism is back, this time facing an enemy more pernicious than colonialism: corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen stashing stolen wealth abroad. The two foremost leaders of India’s anti-corruption movement, Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, are deploying satyagraha’s most potent weapon – fasting – with telling effect on the government. On Thursday, Hazare...

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Neti, Neti by Aruna Roy, Nikhil Dey

In reply to a question about his views of “western civilisation”, Gandhi is said to have remarked: “It is a good idea!” The resurgence of “civil society” in the past two decades has led to similar ironic comments: “Are the rest then uncivil?” and the like. But there is a serious question that needs articulation and addressal to make the current debate meaningful. Just what is civil society, and how...

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