-The Hindu The CBI, expanding its coalgate probe, has launched investigations against 300-odd companies and begun questioning officials of the Steel, Coal and Power departments, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, the Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited and the state-run Coal India Limited on allocation of coal blocks between 1993 and 2008. The CBI has laid hands on nearly 700 files from the Coal Ministry, running into 1,60,000 pages,...
Satellite identifies potential danger atop Himalayas
-IANS Bangalore: A satellite-based study has indicated that a huge glacial lake has formed atop the Himalayas in Sikkim with a "very high" potential for it to burst and create devastation downstream. Analysis of satellite data has revealed that the lake has formed at the snout of South Lhonak glacier, that is about 7,000 metres high on the mountain in the northeastern state. The lake, bounded by loose soil and debris, could cause...
More »'Human rights abuse, false cases filed against anti-posco protesters-Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu Withdraw cases against villagers, Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti: Civil society groups Several civil society groups have alleged abuse of human rights and registration of false cases by State government agencies in order to curb resistance against the land acquisition for the proposed Posco steel plant in Odisha. Highlighting instances of “biased and arbitrary” police action in the eight villages of Jagatsinghpur district affected by the plant, illustrated in the recently-released fact...
More »Karnataka is now home to 6,072 elephants -Saswati Mukherjee B
-The Times of India Bangalore: Karnataka is now home to 6,072 Asiatic elephants, 5,945 of which were spotted in the Mysore elephant reserve (MER) alone, according to the latest elephant census. The Karnataka Elephant Census 2012, conducted by the state forest department in May last year and carried out by the Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, showed an increase in the state's elephant population since 2010 when their number stood at 5,800. The...
More »School rejects admission under RTE, in writing -Garima Prasher
-The Times of India Bangalore: When Samuel Joseph (name changed), a parent, went to the Indian Public School in Sultanpalya on Monday to get his five-year-old daughter admitted under the Right to Education Act (RTE), this is what he was told by the headmaster. "First go and ask the government to pay me the remaining reimbursement amount and deposit it with the BEO. Then come to me for admission." Blame it on...
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