-The Hindu The government has approved a Rs. 4,038 crore programme to tackle the Japanese encephalitis and acute encephalitis syndrome in 60 priority districts With thousands of young lives being lost and an equal number of children rendered disabled for life, the government has prepared a comprehensive strategy to tackle Japanese encephalitis (JE) and acute encephalitis syndrome (AES). The dreaded disease has already spread to 17 States affecting 171 districts. With the Cabinet...
Centre sets school rules, girl fights fee -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph Nisha Kumari, a Class VIII student in Uttar Pradesh, has taken her school to court because it charges fees her father cannot afford. The Dalit girl from Hathras district today petitioned Allahabad High Court to direct the government-run Girls’ Inter College in Sasni to stop charging her — or any other student — any fee till they reach Class IX. Else, Nisha’s petition said, she may have to drop out of...
More »Jammed Wheels -Neha Bhatt
-Outlook Out in our streets, disabled people feel the pain everyday The Gaping Holes India yet to get a cohesive, standardised sign language Barrier-free infrastructure yet to be implemented in public areas like bus stations, railway stations, schools, cinema halls Lack of basic, inclusive civic facilities: no audio-enabled traffic signals, pavements with ramps, few disability-friendly toilets, negligible penalties Poor functional entertainment accessibility, like no subtitling on local language TV channels Reservation...
More »Qualified teachers needed
-The Pioneer A school shapes the future of a child. But according to a latest research, there is a need for 60 lakh qualified teachers in India. Sangeeta Yadav speaks with some experts to bring you a solution to this glaring problem A degree does not qualify someone to become a teacher. A teacher has to be a life long learner, researcher, pedagogy, must understand assessments and must be able to motivate...
More »A rank shame-Deepak Pental
-The Indian Express After QS and Times Higher Education published their rankings of universities across the world, higher education has become the subject of fierce debate in India. The highest ranking institutions from India are the IITs, but even these do not figure in the top 200. The general refrain — why does no Indian university find a place among the top global universities? Unfortunately, given our present policies on higher education...
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