Total Matching Records found : 7911

Monsoon not enough yet for drought-hit districts of Maharashtra

-The Economic Times MUMBAI: The drought-hit districts of Maharashtra have started receiving some rainfall but not enough, just yet, according to the state government. "Mumbai, Konkan region and western parts of Maharashtra have received rainfall much above average. However the drought hit areas are not getting enough monsoon rains and so the state government has decided to continue with relief measures in the area", Maharashtra's relief and rehabilitation minister Patangrao...

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No Country For Countrymen -Arun Sinha

-Outlook As the Manmohan Singh government makes evident its unfriendliness to villages, the nation hurtles towards disaster. It's a danger no one wants to face. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been trying for years to make us believe that agriculture is a vast marshland in which a huge population is stuck ankle- to neck-deep and it is his duty to rescue them. "Our salvation lies in moving people out of agriculture," he...

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Banned pesticide residues found in vegetable samples -KA Martin

-The Hindu Kochi: The Kerala Agricultural University has found "dangerous levels" of pesticide residue in key vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, vegetable cowpea (achinga), amaranthus red, small red onions, tomatoes, green chillies and curry leaves, among others. The residue includes that of the banned Profenofos, which falls into the yellow category (second level of pesticides in the toxicity classification) and which has translaminar action (the toxin entering the plant system primarily by roots,...

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Social Protection Can Help Overcome Poverty and Hunger -Jomo Kwame Sundaram

-IPS News ROME: The growing consensus, momentum and commitment to eradicate world hunger may seem overly ambitious in view of the slow progress in reducing the number of hungry people in the world in recent decades. After all, declining food prices in the second half of the 20th century, thanks to increasing production, were not enough to eliminate poverty and hunger in the world. In the 1960s and 1970s, many governments invested a...

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Modi's tribal scheme shows he is pro-poor as well (Comment)-Vivian Fernandes

-IANS Those who cherish India's constitutional values will find Gujarat Chief Minister Narenda Modi's boast to build a state of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (India's first home minister and deputy prime minister) taller than the Statue of Liberty rather chilling. By prizing nationalism over individual freedom, Modi may have once again revealed his illiberal nature. People who dislike this aspect of him, Leftists mainly, give vent to their disapproval by dismissing Modi's development...

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