Total Matching Records found : 5421

Chhattisgarh shows the way by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera

India's Public Distribution System (PDS) has been in a bad shape for decades, often thought to be beyond repair. Recent experience, however, suggests otherwise. Political will, increased transparency and community participation have led to an amazing revival of the PDS in Chhattisgarh though the state has only shown contempt for people's rights in other contexts… Somehow, the PDS became a political priority in Chhattisgarh and a decision was made to turn...

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Highlights of the Employment-Unemployment Survey 2009-10 conducted by Labour Bureau

Labour Bureau has been conducting quick quarterly employment surveys in the selected sectors of the economy at the enterprise level to assess the impact of economic slowdown on employment in India. With a view to study the overall employment-unemployment situation in the country, Labour Bureau has now conducted its first national level household survey in 28 States/UT Except five North Eastern States and the Islands of Lakshadweep and the Andaman...

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Goa tops unemployment list in India by Amitav Ranjan

The first-ever annual employment survey by the Labour Bureau under the Union Ministry of Labour points to a “jobless economic growth” last fiscal year. During the bureau’s survey period 2009-10 — also the year in which India’s gross domestic product grew by 7.4 per cent — unemployment was 9.4 per cent. The National Sample Survey Organisation, using its Consumer Expenditure Survey for 2007-08, had painted a rosy unemployment figure of 2.8...

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Jobless rate in India pegged at 9.4%

The unemployment rate in the labour force was estimated to be 9.4 per cent during the 2009-10 financial year, a government survey has said. The Indian jobless rate was till now arrived at strictly by guesswork. According to the first national level household survey conducted by the Labour Bureau, out of 1,000 employed persons, 455 were employed in agriculture, forestry and fisheries group during this period. The survey was conducted with a view...

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Seeking jobs

In most countries, unemployment is a clean-cut, easily understandable — and identifiable — problem. In India, it’s not that simple. The complexity of our economy, the barbed-wire fence of restrictions that surround our “organised” sector, the tendency towards seasonal work, and the networks of caste, clan and kinship that still govern employment in many parts make answering the simple question “How many of India’s workers are unemployed?” very difficult indeed. The labour ministry...

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