Factchecker.in On March 6, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claimed that no farmer had died by suicide in the last six years. But, 398 farmers and 731 farm labourers died by suicide between 2017 and 2021 in the state, official data show. “Sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh were forced to burn their crops and attempt suicide but in the last six years, no farmer in Uttar Pradesh has died by...
1,53,972 people killed in road Accidents in India in 2021 -Varun Singh
-IndiaToday.in While 56,007 people died in Accidents on national highways, there were 37,963 deaths on state highways and 60,002 deaths on other roads. In Short * Road Accidents increased by 12.6% y-o-y in 2021. * Fatalities and injuries rose by 16.9% y-o-y and 10.39% y-o-y, respectively. * At least one out of 10 people killed on roads across the world is from India. India witnessed as many as 4,12,432 road Accidents in 2021 in which 1,53,972...
More »Climate change induced extreme events are playing havoc with human lives & livelihoods, show latest available data
It is evident from various studies (please click here, here and here to access) that emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) by the developed as well as the developing countries is responsible for climate change, thus causing extreme weather events to occur, with much more ferocity than in the past. The negative impact of climate change may or may not be felt in the geographical location where historically emission has taken...
More »Technology eases path for the weary nomads in J&K -Peerzada Ashiq
-The Hindu The nomadic communities of J&K have been offered smart cards and free transport to aid their biannual migration For centuries, Jammu and Kashmir’s nomadic community, known as Gujjars and Bakerwals, have undertaken arduous journeys on foot as part of their seasonal migration to find better pastures for their livestock. They often lose cattle and, on occasion, family members to Accidents and hardships along the way. However, technological solutions and transport...
More »India’s suicide rate has increased. But is it because of better reporting or rising distress? -Prachi Salve
-IndiaSpend.com Despite the increase, experts say the National Crime Records Bureau might be undercounting suicides by women. India reported the highest suicide rate in its history in 2021, with 12 suicides for every 1,00,000 people. Experts say this might be a reflection of better reporting of deaths by suicide rather than an actual increase in the numbers. Also, despite an increase in reporting, experts say the National Crime Records Bureau might be...
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