-The Hindu Tamil Nadu tops with inducements worth ₹446.28 crore recovered. The Election Commission on Friday said it had seized cash, liquor, drugs, precious metals and other freebies worth ₹1,001.43 crore meant for distribution to voters in the ongoing Assembly elections. “Seizures crossed ₹1,000 crore for the first time in any Assembly electoral process,” the EC said in a statement. Of the total seizures as on Thursday in Assam, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West...
Panel opposes 'must' voting
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The law commission has opposed the concept of compulsory voting, saying it is "highly undesirable", and recommended that either the President or a governor - and not the Speaker - should decide whether to disqualify a lawmaker who switches sides. The recommendations are among a series of electoral reforms that the commission, headed by retired Delhi High Court Chief Justice A.P. Shah, has suggested in a report it...
More »Ryots' woes high on Assembly agenda
In a show of unanimity, the government and the Opposition parties have decided to set aside the question hour and take up a short discussion on farmers' problems on the opening day of the short session of the Legislature beginning here on Friday.The Assembly session will last till December 16, that is sittings for just six days. At a meeting of the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) held here on Thursday,...
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