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No country for a child -Preeti Mehra

-The Hindu Business Line By allowing children to work in family enterprises, amendments to the Child Labour Act have made them more vulnerable to exploitation. Tracking the issue will be more difficult, writes Preeti Mehra When the two houses of Parliament put their stamp on a few amendments to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 a couple of months ago, they also signed away the dignity of children and the...

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RTE Forum condemns Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 passed by the Lok Sabha

-Press Statement from Right to Education Forum Lok Sabha has passed today Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 and allowed work for children below the age of 14 years in family enterprises is a regressive move. RTE Forum, a coalition of ten thousand grass-root organizations, people’s movement, educationists and teachers organizations, has said that  “Today is black day for the millions of Indian children; they will now be deprived...

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The curious case of ‘nowhere’ children -Amit K Giri & SP Singh

-The Hindu Business Line Those neither at school nor at work should also be seen as ‘child labour’. The state is responsible for their well-being In order to align with the provisions as contained in The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (RTE, 2009), the Union Cabinet in May, 2015, gave its approval for moving official amendments to the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012. This...

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Law tweaked: Child can work in family, entertainment trade

-The Indian Express Exceptions justified to ‘balance need for education, socio-economic reality’. While prohibiting employment of children below the age of 14, the Centre decided Wednesday to let them work in family enterprises and in the audio-visual entertainment industry, except the circus, provided their school education is not affected. The government justified the exceptions to strike “a balance between the need for education for a child and reality of the socio-economic condition...

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Child Labour Act amended, children under 14 can work during holidays

-Tehelka The amendments also make it clear that children between 14 and 18 years will also not be allowed to work in hazardous industries. The Union Cabinet on 13 May cleared a change in the Child Labour Act which said children below 14 years of age can work in non-hazardous industries and too during holidays or after school hours. The changes in labour law provide for stricter punishment for employers for violation. While...

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