-The Hindu He will join the Bharat Jodo Yatra soon Academic turned political activist Yogendra Yadav has decided to opt for a "two year" leave from the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM). Prof. Yadav, who plays a key role in charting the activities of the SKM, will soon join the Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Congress president Rahul Gandhi. He has taken permission from the SKM general body, held here on Sunday, to...
Aruna Roy, social activist and founder of the MKSS. interviewed by Sneha Philip and Smarinita Shetty (IDR)
-IDROnline.org/ TheWire.in "The problem with Indian democracy is that despite the presence of millions of voters, the pool of decision makers get smaller and narrower at the top." Aruna Roy is a social activist and founder of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS). Her work and leadership led to the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005—a landmark act that empowers citizens to demand transparency and accountability from government institutions....
More »UN Food Systems Summit: The Battle Over Global Food and Agriculture Governance -Oakland Institute
-Press release by Oakland Institute dated 21st September, 2021 Oakland, CA: The Food Systems Summit, hosted by the United Nations, has been reduced to a day-long virtual event on September 23, 2021 — a result of an unprecedented counter mobilization around the world. Hijacked by proponents of corporate industrial agriculture, the summit faced a united front from farmers, civil society groups, and social movements around the world, who rejected and mobilized...
More »Forced eviction of Khori Gaon residents amidst the pandemic is human rights violation, allege civil rights activists
-Press release by National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) dated 22 July, 2021 A report has been prepared by National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) on the basis of a public hearing on the forced evictions of Khori Gaon residents in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic and monsoon. Held on July 17, 2021, the public hearing was organised by the Concerned Citizens for Khori Gaon and National Alliance of People’s Movements...
More »Eminent individuals oppose the appointment of Justice Arun Mishra as Chairperson of NHRC
-Press release by People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) dated 2nd June, 2021 We, the members of various Human Rights Organisations and Concerned individuals, condemn the appointment of former SC Judge, Shri Arun Kumar Mishra, as the next Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India by the selection Committee headed by the Prime Minister. What is troubling is that the decision to appoint Justice Arun Kumar Mishra as NHRC...
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